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Callbook overview.

Winlog32 supports several online and CD based callbooks, plus other resources.

Online XML resources

QRZ Subscription
Premier worldwide callbook service.
Full access requires a subscription payment to, but limited access (name only) provided for registered users.


FREE worldwide callbook service, requires registration with HamQTH.

QRZCQ Subscription
Online XML callbook server.
Access requires a premier account with, (payment required).

CD Based callbooks

Using the QRZ Callbook on CD

Using the HamCall Callbook on CD

Radio Amateurs Callbook (Flying Horse)
Using the 'Flying Horse' Callbook on CD

Web based Callbooks

Browser based callsign/QTH look-up, includes on page advertising, etc.

Ham Call
Browser based callsign/QTH look-up, includes on page advertising, etc.

CalLook (FCC)
Official FCC data - this should include the very latest US callsign data.

University of Kansas (FCC) Provides US callsign (FCC) data.
The service providers have requested limited use - so this service is restricted to registered Winlog32 users only.

QSL Manager (IK3QAR)
Browser based QSL Manager look-up, includes on page advertising, etc.

GOWIN (GOList) QSL Manager database
QSL Manager look-up using a third party database.

Fists and other text based look-up functions supported but not supplied. See Databases - Other