Installing or updating Winlog32
Run the installation program.
The start of the installation (setup) process.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
The License.
You are presented with the standard license terms and disclaimer for using this software.
Click on option "I agree", the installation can not proceed without agreeing to the terms of the license.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
The next screen alerts you to the problems arising from installing into the \Program Files\ Folder
on Vista and later operating systems.
This screen also explains that the same installation procedure is used for updating an existing version of Winlog32.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
As already stated it is very important to avoid the \Program Files\ path.
Make sure that \Program Files\ is NOT present in the above file path when installing onto Vista, W7, W8 platforms.
In this example "C:\HAM\" is used, in new installations - if the path is not already present - the installer will create it.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
Summary screen.
This shows a common problem when updating an existing version - note the double winlog32 folder C:\HAM\winlog32\winlog32 - this will be incorrect.
This error must be corrected before proceeding, otherwise a fresh installation of Winlog32 will be created in the second \winlog32 folder.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
Startup shortcuts.
Start menu shortcuts will be created.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
Ready to install.
With an option for creating a desktop shortcut icon.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
Review all information before proceeding.
The "INSTALL" button will start installing files on your computer.
Confirming installation.
The "NEXT" button moves on to the next stage.
Installation completed, with an option to launch (start) Winlog32.
The 'Finish' button completes the installation.
When Winlog32 starts; if this is the first installation,
you will be asked to enter your callsign to make your first log during the startup sequence.
If you have just updated from an older version, the program should start exactly as before,
verify that the version number on the Winlog32 title bar has changed to the updated version.