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Winlog32 has limited capacity in the 'Remarks' and 'User' fields to store and retrieve information about a particular station.
This problem is solved with the 'Infolink' database.


The Info Link window is displayed only if a callsign entered into the Log has data stored in the Infolink database.

To add remarks into the infolink database from the Log:-
Enter a callsign into the Log Callsign Input box.
Double-click the word 'callsign' preceding the callsign or the word 'remarks' preceding the Remarks Log Input box, this action opens the infolink window.

Add remarks to the info link data area.
Click 'SAVE' button.
The data can be edited using the 'EDIT' button which is available once the callsign has been saved into Infolink.

Entering a callsign into the Search dialog will also retrieve the data.

'URL': Enter a web link for this station. The 'GO' button will send the link to your browser.

The [<] [>] buttons navigate forward and backward through the Infolink database.

The 'Delete' button is used to remove a callsign from the Infolink database.