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Rig Control - Overview


Simple Rig Control interfaces for most Amateur transceivers enable basic rig control and allow frequency and band to be added to the Log directly from the rig under operating conditions
Software memories are provided, auto-QSY function using a DXCluster 'spot' or Band View segment are also possible.
Offsets can be used for transverting to VHF Bands.

Three differing styles of Rig Control window ('RCW') are offered, each one can control a single rig type through a Com Port on a PC.

The normal 'big' RCW window incorporates a toolbar for initial interface set up as well as full access to all available functions and memories.

Separate RCW are available enabling several transceivers to be connected at any one time.

Icom - 3 RCW
Kenwood - 2 RCW
OmniRig Interface RCW
Yaesu - 2 RCW
Yaesu Vertex - 2 RCW
Tentec - 1 RCW

Almost all rigs are supported for the ICOM and KENWOOD range which also includes the ELECRAFT K2/K3.
Popular YAESU transceivers are supported including more recent YAESU Vertex series.
TENTEC models Orion and OmniV are included plus Pegasus using F/T.

Commander DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) interface is possible using Icom RCW#3 - see seperate help page.

OMNIRIG OLE interface is incorporated. - see seperate help page.

USB connection can be used via a Virtual Com Port (VCP) with associated cable, driver and interface.

The Midi RCW window - frequency and mode display only.

The Mini RCW window, also displays the first four programmed memories

The window style for each RCW can be switched by clicking the frequency display area on the window.

When using multiple RCWs, clicking a window or tuning a rig activates that window to communicate with the Log, DXCluster etc.