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Searchable 'Members' Text Lists

A list of callsigns with associated data that can be searched during Log input, these files are not supplied with Winlog32.

This is a simple callsign lookup function from a list of callsigns in a simple text file, 'no find, no show'.

Up to two individual members lists can be added and searched at any one time.


In the menu, '[textfile]' will be replaced by the name of the file added, in the example below, the files are named 'Club_Members.txt' and 'Our_Members.txt".

The 'Members' menu option(s) will only be visible when the associated list(s) have been manually added to the ..\Winlog32\Data\ folder.

N.B. It may be neccesary click the LOAD (Log) button for the Members menu item to display with a newly added list.

When this option is enabled, an alert and display pop-up occurs when a logged callsign matches a callsign in the list.

The file is a simple list of callsigns with associated data in plain ASCII text.

The list file should be added to the ..\Winlog32\Data folder.

The file may be called anything but the file extension must be .txt, otherwise it will not be recognised.

This is an example of a .txt file created and viewed in a text editor (Windows Notepad).

The advanced user can take advantage of this function to make or adapt lists for automated callsign lookups.
The callsign 'index' must the first item on each line of the list.
Additional information can be added after the callsign, this must be separated with at least one tab or space character after the callsign.
Each callsign and associated data must occupy a single line and the line teminated with a carriage return/linefeed character (ASC 13).
Only lists of Callsigns matched against the Logs callsign field are supported.