Rotator Control - LP-ROTOR
LP-ROTOR software offers basic control of Hy-Gain DCU-1 or 'RotorEZ' interfaces for Hy-Gain rotators, or the RotorCard interface for Yaesu rotators.
Winlog32 can co-operate with LP_ROTOR software controller interface via DDE link to control rotor hardware
for positioning antenna rotators.
The LP-ROTOR control software can also be used independently.
The DDE interface requires the LP-ROTOR software installed on your computer.
The interface provides positioning of the rotor to the current Log QTF value by
using the Winlog32 toolbar button indicated; it can also be manually positioned with the controller interface.
The toolbar button is only displayed when rotor control is enabled.
Menu/Options/Settings - Other - Rotator Control.
Option - Enable LP-Rotor.
Controls the ARSWIN hardware devise from Winlog32 via the rotor software interface.
Option - Auto-Run 'LP_ROTOR' on Start-up.
Automatically starts LP-ROTOR when Winlog32 is started.
The software path and file name must be provided if auto-start is required.
The LP-ROTOR software is freely available and should be previously installed on your computer.