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Export ADIF for eQSL

Menu/File/Export/ADIF - eQSL.

A condensed ADIF file is produced specifically for uploading Logs to eQSL.

Exported file name: eQSL.ADI
Error Report file name: eQSL_ADIF_ErrorLog.txt

Fields exported: Callsign (<CALL>); Date (<QSO_DATE>); STime (<TIME_ON>); Band (<BAND>); Mode (<MODE>); RPT OUT (<RST_SENT>)
N.B. <FREQ> tag is NOT exported - the alternative <BAND> tag is exported.

CQ and 'test' entries are excluded from the export as are any unnecessary tags and data.
Size of the file can be defined with any QSO range.

Option: "Export file in 1000 QSO chunks"
This limits the ADIF file to 1000 QSOs at a time for easier uploading.
Closing the Export window and re-opening will select the next 1000 QSO and so on.

Option: "Export ALL QSO"
Exports the complete Log, first to last QSO.

Options: "Include QSOs with empty 'RPT OUT' field"
Default enabled; QSOs in the log will be exported regardless of entries in the log 'RPT OUT' field.
If your log contains logged non-valid contacts, this can be a useful method to ignore QSOs where there is nothing present in the 'RPT OUT' field.

There is stringent error checking on Log data.

Error QSOs will NOT be included in the output file, the error QSOs will be included in an error log file for inspection/correction if any of the following error conditions are found:

Callsign field empty
Date field empty or invalid date
STime field empty or invalid time or time format
Band (frequency) field empty or invalid frequency, frequency must be in MHz and be within an Amateur Band.
Mode empty or invalid, modes must conform to ADIF2 specification, Winlog32 will try to correct any incorrectly logged modes to spec. e.g. 'FSK' will be converted to 'FSK441'
Rpt Out; Rpt In May be empty but if option "Include QSOs with empty 'Rpt Out' field" is not enabled, these will be reported as an error QSO and removed from the exported file.

Any errors found in the file will be reported in a pop-up window after the export is completed.

The error text file will be produced with the QSO rejected and the error field data will be marked '***'.
The Log may be corrected by referring to the error file, you can not edit the error file directly.