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Tools - Winkey (Winkeyer) Interface.

Contest and Speed QSO with Winkey.

Option - Contest

Winlog32 can interact with Winkey for CW contest operating and for other speed QSO logging situations where only simple "rubber-stamp" QSOs are logged.

The last Toolbar button selects Winkey contest mode.

In ultimate speed QSO and logging, a QSO can be accomplished and logged by entering a callsign in the Log and two 'Enter' key strokes!
In contest situations, Log Contest options and Winkey Contest settings should be enabled as appropriate.
Log Contest options and settings are dealt with elsewhere - this section deals solely with Winkey.

Settings appropriate for the contest must be set in Winkey; all send text is configurable.

"Send after log Callsign +ENTER"
The text and/or keys are sent when the keyboard Enter key is used after a callsign has been entered into the Log.
In the default text: 'keys' $1$2 - sends (logged) "CALL 5NNxxx" - (xxx = serial number if sent) this is the shortest possible exchange.
N.B. No space character is included between $1$2, as in practice, the processing encountered with 'keys' adds a small time period.

"Send text after END button"
The text and/or keys are sent when the second keyboard Enter key - (the END button) in superspeed mode and contest logging.
In the default text; "R DE $0 CQ TEST K" - sends "R DE MYCALL CQ TEST K".
N.B. The space character can be excluded before the 'key' "$0" - e.g. "DE$0", as in practice, the processing encountered with 'keys' may add a small time period.

"Send for duplicates"
The text and/or keys are automatically sent when the logged QSO flags a duplicate QSO.
This sequence is sent in place of the report/serial number.

The above options are not totally suited to 'search and pounce' contest operating, but could be configured solely for this.

"Enable Contest parameters"
Tailors Winkey general options and settings for contest operating, including reduced word spacing and abbreviated reports.

"Enable speed send @## WPM"
This option increases the speed of the (5NN) report in the send sequence as is common practice in CW contest operating
The speed can be set to any value <99 WPM, but would suggest some restraint.

The basic options that need enabling for Winkey and contest operating:
Winkey Toolbar: Contest button enabled.
Winkey Options: 'Contest' tab, Contest enabled.
Log menu/Options/Contest enabled.