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Although it is good have a design in mind before starting, it may be worth trying out a few ideas first to get used to the interface and see what can be achieved.

The Toolbox and Design window are interactive, objects are selected on the Design window using right click mouse; additions. deletions or changes are made on the Toolbox.
Objects can be repositioned within the Design window using a click and drag action.

Create a new design.
(It may be necessary to save and close an existing design first).

Toolbox toolbar option #1; "Create New QSL Design"


This action adds the set of Data objects to the design, these objects must exist within the design even if they are not used.
The Data objects are linked to the corresponding Log data.

Toolbox toolbar option #2; "Add standard QSL text to Card"

This option is a shortcut to adding single Text objects manually, all text can be edited.
Additional Text objects can be added to the design using toolbar option #3.

At this stage you may wish to add a background image.
Right-click QSL design window background (avoid any 'objects' on the background).

Select file from the file dialog, and apply the image to the design.
The background image width/height can NOT be defined from within the designer; make sure the background image is of a suitable size, quality and subject for the design.
Two 'stock' images are included but feel free to add your own.

The Text and Data object properties could be set at this stage, by selecting the object on the design with a right-click.
Edit or Delete the text (Text objects only).
Change the font style, colour and size (Text and Data objects).
Change the object background to 'transparent' (Text and Data objects).
Change the alignment; left, right or centre (Text and Data objects).

Some notes on 'images':
The image must be predefined in an image manipulating program; e.g. Photoshop.
Only .jpg .gif and .bmp formats are supported.

Toolbox toolbar option #4; "Add image".

Other images can be overlaid if required.
Although images can be scaled by setting the pixel height and width with 'Picture Properties', better results would be obtained with image editing software.

Image objects can be deleted using select and right-click.