Rotator Control - ARSWIN
Winlog32 can co-operate with ARSWIN software controller interface via DDE link to control rotor hardware
for positioning antenna rotators.
The ARSWIN control software can also be used independently.
The interface to the third party rotator controller requires the ARSWIN hardware and control software installed.
The interface provides positioning of the rotor to the current Log QTF value by
using the Winlog32 toolbar button indicated; it can also be manually positioned with the controller interface.
The toolbar button is only displayed when the rotor control is enabled.
Menu/Options/Settings - Other - Rotator Control.
Option - Enable ARSWIN.
Controls the ARSWIN hardware devise from Winlog32 via the rotor software interface.
Option - Auto-Run 'ARSWIN' on Start-up.
Automatically starts the interface for the ARSWIN controller when Winlog32 is started.
The control software path and file name must be provided if auto-startup is required.
The control software is supplied with the ARSWIN hardware and should be previously installed on your computer.