About the help file
The help file for Winlog32 is available online from this server.
No printed help file exists, this is the only resource.
Many of the help pages can be accessed directly from Winlog32 using the F1 keyboard key.
Navigation: The help file is laid out nodes, e.g.like a tree with branches, click on a node [+] and it will expand to
other branches and subjects.
Winlog32 has undergone development for over 20 years, as have the help files,
it could be that some of the help is out-of-date or not explained.
It is hoped that Winlog32 is intuitive enough for the average ham navigate through most functions and basic operation without referring to the help pages.
But it's here if you need it, and you may find that G0CUZ is very approachable if there is anything you can not understand from the help.
This help file resource contains about 200 individual pages with over 200 images!
I make no apologies for any inaccuracies, Winlog32 is a complex program with many features and functions to explain,
and just to be clear - I hate writing help files, it is very time consuming and no-one reads them anyway!