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Print QSL Labels.

Option tab: Label 1 (+label 2; 3; 4; 5; 6)

The white background outlines the actual label available for the text and data area.
If the text/data exceeds the label area it will not be printed correctly. it is necessary to set up the label size before making any changes to the label layout to ensure that the text will fit onto the label size used.

Always start designing with Label 1; the other labels can be formated automatically from the Sort/Set Option tab.

Both text and data boxes can be moved around the label using a mouse double-click and drag action.

Text (with green;yellow;red;Mauve background) boxes can be edited for personal preference; click mouse cursor in text box and edit text using the keyboard.
The text and data box border oulines help alignment and are NOT printed.

Data (blue background) box text should not be edited as these are automatically filled by Log data duing the print process.

Important: some printing functions and options require that the red text box remains in the relative position shown.

Example: "QSL via *manager*" may automatically be inserted in the position of the "To Radio" line and the remaining lines moved down one row with the 'red' text box ommitted so that the overall text area remains the same.
Also in this example - the "@PWR" text will be replaced by the logged 'PWR' (power) value during the print operation.

Clicking on callsigns from the Print QSL List will insert the Log data to the label, this will be useful to confirm that the Log data will fit into the designed space.

Once a satifactory layout is obtained on Label 1, other labels can be set with same layout using Options tab: Sort/Set, afterwards the other labels can be individually edited to suit their particular purpose, e.g. change rig and antenna information for different bands.