Setting up LoTW
menu/File/LoTW Manager
These LoTW help topics describes the LoTW interaction between Winlog32, the LoTW server
and the TQSL utility, it assumes that you have already verified your LoTW account and
received your username and password, received your certificate(s) and have installed
the TQSL utility.
It is beyond the scope of this help topic to describe how to do
this initial set-up of LoTW, please refer to the LoTW web site for a description of Logbook of the World
and all the necessary requirements to open and manage an account.
The LoTW help topics learn you how to export QSOs, sign files, upload, download
QSL reports and update your Log with LoTW QSLs received, plus how to use LoTW with multiple
logs, the sequential approach adopted makes this a painless process.
This new LoTW process is used with versions v5.4.3 onwards and you should have
this or a later version installed before using this help file.
Most operations take place within Winlog32s LoTW Manager with some interaction
with the TQSL utilities, interaction with the LoTW server will require an
internet connection.
It is strongly advised that you follow exactly the
set procedure described in these help topics, you may have used different methods in
the past but forget it!
Once you have set-up LoTW Manager, when you adopt this new approach, you will find it
logical, quick and a joy to use.
How to:
Toolbar button #10.
Enter your LoTW username and password.
Enter the file path and name of the TQSL utilty executable already installed,
otherwise download and install the TQSL Utilty from the LoTW web site.
URL locations are default settings and do not require alteration
unless ARRL/LoTW change server name or locations, they changed this once
already, so these options have been added in case of any future changes.