The Databases - Island DATABASE (deprecated)
The Islands database, lists various national island awards associated with the island hunting, similar to the IOTA database, inlcudes island names and references.
The Islands database is now longer updated or supported but has been retained as-is, interest is directed to the User database
Islands and references are listed for each award, and the database allows tracking of worked and confirmed status of logged QSO and other related functions throughout the software.
The USI, IOSA, IOCA and IIA Databases are updated from the Log automatically, Others are included for User reference, they can be manually updated or edited.
Only one entry per island reference, multi-band/mode ia not supported.
Automatic updates from the Log can occur when a corresponding syntax in is entereed in the Log Remarks field.
"XXX xx001" e.g. USI AK001 in remarks would update the USI database.
Where "XXX" is the signifier for the type of award and "xxx001" is the appropriate reference.
The correct syntax for the appropriate reference must be used. Other formats are ignored.
Formats recognised MUST contain the appropriate letter/number format and a space between other entries, so several different checks
can be made on one entry thus in 'Remarks' IIA AG-001 IOTA AF-009 will check both IIA and IOTA database.
Formats allowed:
USI AK-001 USI AK001
IIA AG-001 IIA AG001
If Menu/Database/ISLANDS/"xxx"/Auto-Check enabled, the "xxx" database will be updated automatically when a new island is worked.
N.B. Only some of the islands databases are updated from the Log automatically, the others islands databases are for user reference and manual update only.
ISLANDS Database Window.
A listing of references with island/island group names for the various national island awards supported by the software.
Filter using toolbar buttons and dropdown list (where available).
Island lists with QSO details can be viewed one 'area' at a time, using the dropdown list.
Select the ALL/WORKED/CONFIRMED/WORKED/NOTCONFIRMED/WANTED toolbar buttons filters the List as required.
Editing can be done direct into the display list.
Print the contents of the islands selected or filtered. N.B. Only the current list is printed.