Print QSL Labels.
Printing the labels
When all options have been set satisfactory, print the labels with the Print toolbar button.
It will be worthwhile using plain paper sheets during initial print tests.
Errors during the print operation may be caused by an incorrect label sheet layout where the print area is exceeeded.
When the label sheet has finished printing and the labels are satisfactory, UPDATE,
the Log; the current date will be inserted into the QSL OUT field and the
QSL (QSOs) will not be selected for printing again.
Print further label sheets from the QSL list until no callsigns are left in the QSL list.
If Labels have to be printed again for any reason, do not use UPDATE as
these QSLs will not be selected again, if this is accidentally overlooked, it will be
necessary to go back to the Log and delete the date - except B or
D in the QSL OUT field so that the QSL (QSOs) will be selected at the
next Label print session.