Start Winlog32.
Check that your callsign is displayed in the Winlog32 title bar e.g. "Winlog32 Vxxxx MYNAME MYCALLSIGN",
if your callsign is not present then you must add it (Menu/Options/Settings -
Change User) this callsign is used when you log on to a DXCluster.
Now for the connection bit - it may sound a lot of work but you only set it up once.
Open DXCluster Window (menu/DXCluster -start).
Click on the Options button #1.
Select TAB "HOST".
From drop-down list "Select Host", select "WLNET".
Now CLOSE the DXCluster window.
Re-Open the DXCluster window - this will start host "WLNET" - this window will be minimised - you can maximise or normaise it from the bottom windows task bar.
With WLNET window now in view, from the WLNET toolbar select "Site Manager" (3rd button).
From the list of internet clusters select one of them by double-clicking and accepting the "New Cluster selected" prompt.
Click in the toolbar "Site Manager" again - this will hide the list.
Now try connecting to the cluster using WLNET (1st) toolbar button "CONNECT".
You will see the result of this in the display - it will either connect and everything will be honky-dory or it will not - and some error may be displayed
- maybe the cluster is offline or your internet connection is down, try selecting another site.
N.B. There are options to Auto-Start WLNET when you start the DXCluster, and options to start the DXCLuster when you start Winlog32, these would be enabled for normal operation.