Log Search and Replace - Overview
This facility allows bulk changes to be made to Log fields.
menu/File/Search Replace
The Log Search and Replace facility can be used for adding data to a blank field or
changing existing data values to a new value.
Certain Log fields MUST contain values for correct function of the Log, 'Callsign'; 'Date'; 'Band'; 'Mode'
and the data type for fields must be preserved e.g. the Band field is numeric and the Date field
is a date data type.
Data lengths of fields will restrict the amount of data you are able to add to a field, excesses will be truncated.
The 'STIME' and 'ETIME' fields must have correct time format, e.g. HHMM (NOT HH:MM)
The 'QSONO' field can not be changed.
Bulk replace is possible using the wild card character "*", e.g. anything in the field will be replaced by new text.
This option is not available on all fields.
There is no 'undo' function after the replace, any changes made are permanent, so make sure you get it right.
Only the complete contents of the field can be changed, there is no facility for partial changes to be made.
Only one field at a time can be searched (replaced) and is selected from the drop-down list.
The Search and Replace operation takes place on the current loaded Log; the Log must be re-loaded (the Log LOAD button)
after any changes made with the Search and Replace operations.
The log data display in Search and Replace is sorted by same criteria as the main Log, if a different sort order is required,
then the sort order must be changed for the Log before opening the Log Search and Replace window
menu/Options/Settings/Page View.
Changes made to the following fields 'Callsign'; 'Date'; 'Band'; 'Mode' may destroy the relationship
with entries already added to the ancillary databases e.g. DXCC; IOTA; WAZ etc.
Changes made to the 'MODE' field (e.g. changing 'PHONE' to 'SSB') could result in duplicate
entries being added to the ancillary database(s).
Don't make any changes to these fields if you are not sure what you are doing.