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Print QSLs - Overview

menu/File/Print QSL

QSLs will be selected for printing when a "B" or "D" is encountered in the Log QSLOUT field.

After printing the Log will be updated with current date which will then exclude the Log QSO frovm further print selection.

Two separate possibilities exist for printing QSO data for QSLs.

Print QSL Labels.
A configurable system to print multiple labels on a label sheet with most sheet formats accomodated.
Some flexibility in label design is possible.
QSO data is added from the Log automatically during printing.

Design and Print QSL Cards.
Not suitable for bulk QSL printing.
A very flexible system to design full colour QSL cards with your own layout and graphics.
QSO data is added from the Log and can also be printed direct from Log screen toolbar.
Only one QSL card can be printed at a time.

If the PRINT options are not available then it could indicate that there is no printer (driver) installed on the local computer, Winlog32 requires a printer driver set-up on the local machine even if the printing takes place over a network.

The 'To Print' QSO/QSL list is on the left side of the window.
The Label sheeet occupies the right side.