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Print QSL Labels

Option tab: Options

Option: Change IARU MODE (UK) to Normal output for QSL Labels .
UK licensing requires transmitted Modes to have IARU designation e.g. A1A (CW); J3E(SSB); etc.
This option translates the IARU modes to those regularly used, e.g. "A1A" is printed on the label as "CW".
N.B. Many data modes do not have an exact correlation.

Option: Include kHz to label frequency band.
When enabled, this option adds the complete frequency to the label as entered in the Log.
Example: Log frequency = "14.260"; option prints "14.260"
When disabled, only the frequency band is added to the label irrespective of how entered in the Log.
Example: Log frequency = "14.260"; option prints "14".

Option: Replace '@PWR' on Red Label with contents of PWR field (TX Power field).
Applies to the label text data with red the background only.
If "@PWR" is encountered in the label text then it is replaced with the contents of the Log PWR field, this occurs if this option is enabled or not.
If "Convert dbW to Watts" option is enabled then dbW is converted to a power value in watts on label (UK licensing requires power to be logged in dbW).

Option: "Print single and multiple QSO on same label" (sheet).
Allows combined multiple QSO labels (where more than one QSO for an individual callsign is encountered) and single QSO labels to be printed on same label sheet.