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Export - ADIF - FULL or PART LOG


A complete output of all or partial exportable Log data

This file should always be used to export to another logging program, as it will contain the greatest amount of detail from the Log.
All basic Log QSO data will be exported, however some other extraneous data may not be exported.

Exporting QSO data should NOT be regarded as a back-up of the Log.

The full ADIF file contains several non-standard ADIF tags to enable importing back into Winlog32 to emulate exactly the QSO data exported.

Winlog32 conforms to ADIF1 specification, some implementation of ADIF2/3 specification has been added where possible.

If you want to know more about ADIF files, see here

Winlog32 has extensive ADIF capabilities to allow Log data to be exported in a standard format for importing into other log programs, not all Log data will be transferable because of the difference between log program capabilities.
Essential QSO data will always be transferable between log programs: Callsign; Date; Time; Band; Mode; RST.

A number of different options exist to export ADIF, it is essential to choose the correct method for exporting.

This option should NOT be used to export for LoTW, Club Log or eQSL. as these services require greater degrees of error checking and formatting and the corresponding options should be chosen.
Partial contiguous log data can also be exported (see later).
Specific search queries generated from the Log can be exported using a different method. menu/File/Export/Search/ADIF.

Some error checking is incorporated into this basic export routine.

Default file name: ADIFLOG.ADI, the file name can be changed as required but should include the file extention .ADI.

ALL exported files will be saved in '..\Winlog32\OUTPUT\' folder (default).

ADIF export with this option includes ALL records from the log, but will exclude any CQ, Test or other non-QSO entries.

The default setting is to export all QSO contained in the Log from the first QSO 'til the last QSO as viewed in the Log.
But there are other options.

Exporting part of the Log

From build 34 onwards, it is possible to export a smaller section of the Log if the full log QSO output is not required.

The default FROM and TO QSO records are by default set to the first and last QSO in the Log.
For a different QSO range, position the 'Log Page' to the first QSO required in the export range, then in the Export Full window, double-click the 'Export Record No.FROM' box (arrowed), then the start position will be set (a numeric record number of the present QSO position in the Log),
N.B. The 'Record Number' is NOT the 'QSONO' identifier.
If a different ending position is required, you can similarly set the Log Page to the last QSO required and double-click the 'TO' box.
The above procedure sets the From/To positions, and Callsign, Date, Time and Band are displayed for these QSO thus can be checked if they form the correct range, the QSO exported are contiguous as they appear in the Log Page.
N.B. You can only export in a forward manner, so the TO record number must be greater that the FROM record number.

If a different set of records are needed other than what the default sort order of the Log Date/Time can provided, use a search query and option to Export the Search Results as provided in the Export menu.
Another possibility of using the Full Export window, is to change the Log Sort Order in menu/Options/Settings tab 'Page View' e.g. Sort by 'Callsign' and export a specific callsign range, e.g., all G callsigns, although it may be easier to use the Export/Search method.
If you change the Log or the Log 'Sort Order', you must re-open the Export Full window AFTER the Log is LOADED.

Data contained within the ancillary databases, e.g. DXCC; IOTA; WAZ etc. will NOT be included.

Errors encountered during export

Invalid QSO records:
The following will not be included in the output file:
-'Callsign' field, blank or with "CQ", "TEST", and any callsign that contains "?", these entries are regarded as invalid QSO.
-'ReportOut' field with missing signal report (see later)

If invalid QSO records are encountered during the export full function, they are skipped thus not included in the output file.
The invalid QSO will be added to a list which can be viewed "See why" [ HERE ] button, the button will only be visible if errors have been encountered.
The invalid QSO(s) along with likely error type will be listed.
Any QSO in the error list can be found in the Log by clicking on the list item, then errors can be corrected in the Log so they can be included in the output file if needed.
If changes are made to the Log, the file must be exporting again, as these changes are not made to the current outputted ADIF file.
N.B. Errors with "Missing Report", can be corrected by enabling the option "Include QSO with Empty ReportOut" before exporting, but only if this is a requirement.