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The process is semi-automated with many user definable options.
Adjustable label sheet, font and size together with text and data content and positions and other special features.

Menu/File/Print QSL

Sheet size, Label size and labels per sheet are adjustable.
Printing can be started from any label position so that partly used sheets can be used.
Click on a label on the Label Sheet Display and the start position will change.
To some extent you can design your own label formats

The QSO/QSL selected will be from the current loaded Log.

If the ‘No labels to print’ dialog displays, it means no QSL labels have been allocated in the LOG, to allocate a QSL label enter either ‘B’ or ‘D’ into the ‘QSL OUT’ box in the Log
It will be necessary to close and re-open the Print QSL window if editing the LOG to reflect any changes made.
The selected QSL (QSOs) are listed in the PRINT QSL list on the left side of the PRINT QSL window.


First set up the paper size to be printed

Set the number of Labels Across and Down the label sheet, e.g. 3 across and 6 down has 18 labels per sheet.

Set the label sizes in millimetres, the label width must be measured from the left edge of one label to the corresponding left edge of the next label, this includes any gutter - e.g. the 'step across' measurement.
Label Height must be set in the same way; observe the action of the 'Label Sheet Display' when making changes.
The Left and Top margin of the label sheet must be also set if there are any.
If all of the above has been done correctly, the visually 'Label Sheet Display' will show the inner edge margin just within the label sheet
If the inner edges are overlapping or not visible then the printer may try to print outside it's limits which may produce errors.
It will also be necessary to check with the Options Tab on label 1 (etc) to see the effect on changing the label size, obviously ALL text and data boxes must be visible on the label.
The text and data boxes can be repositioned on the label as required; double-click and drag boxes to new positions within the label outline.

Incorrect sizes -this will give printer errors or will not print correctly.

CORRECT, with all inner margins just showing

It is possible to configure the print QSL options in several ways.

Different sized label sheets are supported in a variety of formats.

Fonts can be selected in different sizes, styles and colour for ‘data’ and ‘text’ independently.
There are six different QSL labels which are automatically selected by the Frequency BAND used for the QSO i.e. it is possible to configure each label format to include details relative to the different bands used, these labels are automatically selected whilst printing and are printed together on the same label sheet.

In addition to the six different labels, there are also two other special labels
A SWL label; A label for replying to Short Wave Listener report, these are selected automatically and can be printed along with regular labels.

A MULTI-QSO Label, this allows up to four QSO's to be added to a single label, any required MULTI labels must be printed separately before any single QSO label printing.

Setting Margins

Measure the Top and Left margin of your Label sheet in millimetres, this can be used as a starting point.

Label Size.

Measure the Height and width of your Label in millimetres, remember to measure from edge of one label to the same edge of the next to allow for any gutter. These sizes are the starting point.

Adjust height and width settings until the required label format is arrived at, check on plain paper that the format is correct, to do this press ‘PRINT’ the labels will be printed out.

NOT PRESS UPDATE. . When the PRINT QSL screen is closed with ‘OK’ the various settings are saved to a configuration file, and will not require setting again unless you want to make changes.

Errors in Printing may indicate that the Label size settings need changing slightly or try reducing the Font size.

Printing the labels is a complex process, and if you are getting any errors then you need to read through the setting up procedures again, some printers do not like printing outside their printing area and this will be the most likely cause.
Some of the more modern printers are more flexible in this respect however you still will not have the Label page printing properly until the label sheet has been set up correctly, in most cases some test printing and minor adjustments to dimensions need be done to arrive at the correct layout as the 'WYSIWYG' Label Display is not 100% accurate.