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Print QSL Labels.

Option tab: multi-QSO label

Multi-line labels have limited design scope due to the greater space requirement for the QSO data lines.

Providing space is available on the label for both single and multi-QSO, both types can be mixed on a single label sheet

Multi-labels can accommodate up to five QSOs per label for the same callsign.

The multi-label may require more design space than a single QSO/QSL label; if the label size can not accommodate both single and multi then separate label sheets and print runs may be required.

In the above example the label size is too small to accommodate the multi-line data.
The label size must be increased or font sizes reduced so that all data and text boxes appear on the label.

Above correctly shows all label text and data (on increased label size).

The five QSO label option will require even more label space and repositioning of text boxes; this should not be enabled unless you are likly to encounter this number of QSO per QSL label.

If a compromise can not be found it may be necessary to print all labels single or use two different label size sheets; printing multi-labels first.