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The Databases - USCH DATABASE

The USCH database contains US County data for the 'United States County Hunters' award program.

The database allows tracking of worked and confirmed status of logged QSO for US Counties and other related functions.

The USCH database QSO list will be updated automatically when a new US County is worked or confirmed in the Log
The end-user must manually enter the county and state in the log unless a suitable callbook is used and the appropriate options are enabled to add county/state automatically.
The database can only record one QSO per County; the USCH database is NOT multi band/mode.
Only ONE QSO from the Log is added to the USCH database for each new county, thus not every county QSO is added to the USCH database.

To enable the update functions to operate, the correct syntax MUST be entered into the Log 'Remarks' field for every county added to the Log.
The "*County* CTY *Stae abr.*" format must be used, e.g. "LINCOLN CTY MS", the space character should be included.
N.B. The same syntax is common to the WAS database where "CTY ME" would update MAINE in the WAS database too.
The accepted two character state abbreviation MUST be used; e.g. use "FL" NOT "FLA" or "Florida"!

'County Line' double counties can also be added like "LAKE/EAGLE CTY CO", this will update both LAKE and EAGLE counties.

The USCH database can be viewed and queried directly:

The USCH database window.

If you have no interest in the USCH award program, the function can be disabled with menu/Database/USCH/Auto Check.

The ‘white’ list displays states/counties and details of QSO entered in the USCH database, only one entry per county.

The blue list displays the US State abbreviations and full name.

Click on a state in the blue list to display counties in that state and any QSO in the white list.

The QSO list display is modified by the last selected filter, e.g. worked, confirmed, etc., using the appropriate toolbar buttons.

A summary of the query and results are displayed at the top of the county/QSO list.
The summary will inform of total worked/confirmed counties depending on what filters are set.

The Toolbar Query Icons.

1AllAll US States and all QSO entered in the WAS database.
2WorkedAll US counties worked and related QSO in the USCH database.
3QSL Confirmed All US counties confirmed by QSL and related QSO in the USCH database.
4Worked/Not Confirmed All US Counties worked but not confirmed and QSO awaiting confirmation.
5WantedAll US counties wanted, no QSOs are listed in the USCH database.

Toolbar option #1 will find the selected QSO corresponding in the Log.

Toolbar option #7 will export the QSO list as a text delimited file.

Toolbar option #8 will print the County/QSO list.

Click 'Yes' to print the QSO list; click 'No' to cancel.
Fields not required in the print-out can be ignored by narrowing the field width by dragging the column separators to zero (hidden).

The USCH database can also be updated with the Log Check Robot (LCR)
It may be necessary to use the Log Check Robot after importing from another Log program that has not exported the US States and corresponding counties.
Speed logging or contest operation do not update the WAS database so it will be necessary to run the Log Check Robot through any new QSOs added during these periods.
A separate help section deals with the Log Check Robot.


Removing a QSO from the USCH database.
QSO details can be removed using usual delete methods e.g. keyboard delete key, ensure that the state and county names are NOT deleted.
N.B. This does NOT delete the associated QSO from the Log database.