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Transfer file to another installation

This option allows mirror installations on different computers and provides back-up facilities .

Transfer the Log database, the ancillary database set, and other transportable files to another installation of Winlog32 or for a complete back-up of all essential files.

This is a file copy utility, files are only copied using this process, source files remain intact.

menu/File/Maintenance/File Maintenance - "Transfer Files to another installation"

If the intention is to transfer files to another installation of Winlog32, make sure that Winlog32 in the destination Winlog32 is not running.

Transferring files over a local network is possible.

Enter the path of the new installation in "Transfer to (destination) Path",
Example: "D:\Winlog32" or the network path "//storage/co/winlog32"
Do NOT include the sub-folders in the file path as Winlog32 navigates these correctly when copying the files.

Files in the destination installation will be overwritten, you will be prompted during the copy process so make sure that you are transferring files in the correct direction before you start.

"Transfer LOG Database"

Transfer your current loaded Log database to a new installation replacing any existing Log Database of the same name.
Files affected:

Source Destination
xxx.LOG ..\Winlog32\LOGS\

(Where 'xxx' is the name of your Log database)

"Transfer Essential Files"

Transfer other user updateable files to the new installation

Files affected: Destination
Winlog.ini ..\Winlog32\
Prefix.MDB ..\Winlog32\DATA\
Rig.MDB ..\Winlog32\DATA\
Cluster.MDB ..\Winlog32\DATA\
Notepad.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\

"Transfer Ancillary Database"

Transfer the Ancillary Database set for your current loaded Log Database
Files affected: (where 'xxx' is the name of the Log database)

Source Destination
DXCC.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
IOTA.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
ISLANDS.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
QSL.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
USA.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
VHF.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
WAB.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
WAZ.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\
**USER.MDB ..\Winlog32\LOGS\xxx\

** if this file is present.


Take care when transferring files; make sure you are transferring the latest files and overwriting older files, which otherwise maay result in loosing QSO data.

When transferring files over a Local Area Network, ensure that you have the necessary permissions set on your destination computer to allow access to the destination folders, e.g. the folders or drives must be 'shared', see your Windows help file on how to share folders.

The 'Transfer Files' facility may be used to mirror two installations of Winlog32 on different computers, but take note of previous remarks about inadvertently overwriting newer files.

The file "Winlog.ini" is updated when Winlog32 is closed, changes made during the current session may not be present in the 'Winlog.ini' (user settings) file.

The .SLF (Station Location) files are not transferred and must be copied manually if required.